Bespoke Rugs - You Decide the shapes, colours and size.

Tapestry Weavings Created using the Tasseography Textile Process.

How it works:
Working collaboratively with Becky, you will create a bespoke textile artwork for your chosen interior space, using tasseography, her own illustrated tealeaf dictionary, and a collection of bold colours. Through a ritualistic approach, you will then have a selection of three potential design outcomes for you to choose from.  Having chosen your one of a kind design Becky will then make your art work, or rug to your personal specifications.

Becky’s Core Values are: Costs

  1. Attention to detail 45cm x 55cm - £150

  2. Ethically sourced, high end yarns A2 - £300. A1 - £400

  3. Traditional Methods and approach 1 meter x 1 meter - £500

  4. Bespoke handcrafted textiles 1 meter x 1.5 meter - £550

  5. Unpredictable and personalised rugs 2 meter x 1 meter - £650 plus

    Rug prices (approximate based on chosen yarns). Larger Rugs/artworks - price on application/discussion.

    Tapestry Weavings - Price per Item / Gallery / Online Store